We Were Strangers Too: Learning About Refugees Through Art
OE: D1, D2, D3
SE: D1.1, D1.3, D2.1, D2.3, D3.2
​In this lesson plan students begin by reflecting and responding to others’ artwork regarding the topic of refugees. After this, they respond with their own artwork. This document provides additional resources for teachers.
Grades 4-8
Tebatchomowin Guide
Activity 1
OE: D1, D2,
SE: D1.1, D1.3, D2.1
Activity 6
OE: D1, D3
SE: D1.1, D1.3, D1.4, D3.1, D3.2
This teachers guide has six activities as well as a glossary of terms, guidelines for teaching content on residential schools, and more. Two of the activities are particularly relevant, one and six.
In activity one, students complete the Project of The Heart activity where they use artistic exploration to address residential school survivors. This activity is followed up with a number of different extensions which involve activism in the community. This is an opportunity for a class activity to progress into classroom activism.
In activity six, teachers will need to research artist Jackoposie Oopakak and Nunali sculpture art. This resource provides a starting point for a string of lessons.
Grades 4-8
The Secret Path: Lesson Planning Template
OE: D1, D2
SE: D1.1, D1.2, D1.4, D2.1, D2.2
This lesson is a follow up to reading The Secret Path book by Gord Downie and Jeff Lemire. In this activity, students will respond to the artwork in the book in addition to re-creating their own. This lesson addresses reconciliation with Indigenous communities. In this lesson students will have learned about truth and reconciliation and respond with their own interpretations and understandings.
Grades 4-8
Conserving Water Through Art
OE: D1
SE: D1.1, D1.3, D1.4
In this lesson plan, students will address climate justice and the topic of water conservation through visual arts. Students will address their own contribution to water conservation and move forward more aware of their place as a consumer.
Grades 1-4
Four Directions Learning Activities: Ojibwe/Potawotami
OE: D2, D3
SE: D2.1, D2.3, D3.1, D3.2
In this lesson plan, students begin to explore traditional teachings of the Ojibwe/Potawotami such as the Medicine Wheel. This resource gives background information for the teacher and student, learner objectives, and a lesson plan outline.
Grades 7-8
Four Directions Learning Activities: Mi'kmaq (Intermediate)
OE: D1, D2, D3
SE: D1.1, D1.3, D1.4, D2.1, D3.1, D3.2
In this lesson plan, students begin to explore the Mi’kmaq creation story. This resource gives background information for the teacher and student, learner objectives, and a lesson plan outline. The curriculum connections here are directed specificallyat the second learner activity on page 5, where students are engaged in the process of making a mural or the Mi’kmaq Creation Story.
Grades 7-8
Allen Sapp Resource Guice
See attached document for curriculum connections specific to each lesson.
In this resource guide teachers and students learn about the life of Allen Sapp. Students are guided through activities based on Sapp’s art and life, learning about Cree knowledge such as The Sacred Circle, Sapp’s artwork, The Circle of Life, and more. This guide contains more than just arts based learning, but provides a vast amount of knowledge on Sapp’s life and Cree teachings. The activities which focus on the arts are outlined below.
Grades 4-8
Dreamcatcher Lesson Plan
OE: D1, D2, D3
SE: D1.1, D2.3, D3.1, D3.2
This lesson begins with a read aloud, followed by an activity that will allow children to explore dream catchers and their cultural significance. As a closing activity, students will embark in making a dream catcher of their own.
Grades 1-3
Global Kidz
See attached document below for curricuum connections for corresponding lessons.
​This resource is a unit that uses arts based objectives throughout. Not every activity is arts-based; however those that are have been outlined with their corresponding expectations here. These lessons can be used as stand alone lessons, or be used within this unit or others on similar topics. The lessons in this guide address social justice topics such as diversity, stereotypes, differing communities, resource management, food security, and more. In this guide there are lessons, assessment tools, handouts, and more.
Grades 3-5
The Secret Path: Lesson Plans and Artwork
See attached document for curriculum connections for individual lessons.
In this document, lessons are provided to inspire learning and a social justice mindset through the work of Gord Downie and Jeff Lemire’s The Secret Path. This document aligns with the Ontario curriculum and includes lessons that are both arts based and not. Lessons within the document are both visual arts and dance related. The document provides learning goals, examples, curriculum connections, and full lesson plans.
Grades 4-8
Project H.O.M.E. Lesson Plan and Mural Project
OE: D1, D2, D3
SE: D1.1, D1.3, D1.4, D2.1, D3.1, D3.2
​This resource addresses traditional indigenous knowledge and The Sacred Fisher Story. In the lessons outlined here, students will end by making a mural that represents their understanding. This can be a school wide or multi-class project.
Grades 1-8
Art and Activism: Mini Lessons
See attached document for curriculum connections for individual lessons.
​This document includes a 12 part series that addresses how art can relate to community, leadership, and activism. These lessons will help students to understand how change can happen in their community. Outlined in this link are important vocabulary, lesson procedure, extensions, and more. These lessons can be used in sequence or independently.
Grades 1-8